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How to respond when they buy somewhere else

If we didn’t have the right car, I pushed hard, lost sales and guaranteed they’d never see me again.

Then I realized that even if I missed the sale, I still wanted the others they’d buy. So l learned to sell and
build my fan base with calls and a one page monthly newsletter.

Example: A guy and his wife were looking for a mini-truck, and needed something we didn’t have.

I followed up the next day and he apologized because he didn’t buy from me and said they bought somewhere else that had the truck.

I congratulated him, talked about the trip they were going to take, and told him to call me if he needed anything or had any questions.

In the next two weeks, I made 3 more sales referred by the family who got away, and I made so many other sales for the same reason.

Instead of trying to ‘push’ to buy or ‘blow ‘em off’ if they didn’t, I learned the relationship was more important than anything else in sales.

You are in the people business and you’ve had tough ones and easy ones. The easiest were those you hit it off with (rapport). No pressure because you made a friend and the stress of buying disappears.

I also printed my own business cards. My name was big and it said…

“Your friend in the car business!”

Learn to make friends and this is the best job you’ll ever have!


Learn to set goals in sales is so important…Download this ebook by Joe Verde, the leader in car sales training, “Get Everything You Want In Sales” today and learn how to control your own destiny.