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Hypnosis: Is it real or just another trick?

When I was turning pro, I was at a party that had a hypnosis performer. And he had this guy’s feet on one chair and his head on another one, and he was stiff as a board.

So I bought this book; ‘Hypnosis and Behavior Modification’ to see if hypnosis was legit or not.

I’d thought it was a trick, but as I read more I found that hypnosis was real. ‘Self-hypnosis’ is putting yourself in a highly focused, suggestible state (whether it’s to relax or help yourself turn pro).

Nothing weird when you think about it, because I realized I had become ‘very suggestible’ from reading all of those books.

Napolean Hill said,
“When in your mind, you can see it & believe it, you can achieve it.”

Henry Ford said,
“Whether you think you can, or can’t, you’re correct.”

You’ll be amazed how easy it really is to turn your brain on high to be more positive and more successful at everything you do.

For 10 years after Vietnam, I couldn’t go to sleep. So once I learned about hypnosis, I bought a ‘go to sleep’ audiotape.

I never heard more than the first few minutes of what the guy said after the first night I listened to it. Then and now, when I close my eyes in bed, I’m asleep in seconds.

Want a total makeover?

Just set aside a half hour a day for your own ‘Behavior Modification’.

It’s a life changing event.


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