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“I Hate Quizzes And I Don’t Do Homework!”

When we were in school, sometimes homework and quizzes seemed like punishment, but homework and testing are two valuable tools you need that will help you turn the knowledge you gain into skills you can use every day to sell more cars.
The real purpose of the homework and the tests were to help us retain the information that was covered. To do homework and prepare for the quiz, we had to review the assignment – which added the repetition we needed to learn.
Hear–See–Do, again and again! You develop skills through repetition. That’s why if you’ve been to class, get your workbook and homework book and do some review and, if you’re on JVTN®, it’s critical to review a chapter a day, score 100% on the quiz, and why you have to practice, drill and rehearse your selling skills every day.
Napoleon Hill said…
“If you’ll spend an hour a day developing your skills, in 3 years, you’ll be a Master in your field.” And the “Masters” in our profession earn $100,000+ each year. You’ve already chosen sales as your profession – so step up and get your degree and make the big bucks right now!
Go to to get a free PDF or order a free soft cover book of “Earn Over $100,000 Selling Cars – Every Year” and “A Dealer’s Guide To Recovery & Growth In Today’s Market.”