I Tripled My Income
“I tripled my income and I love my job!”
“Joe – I was at my last job for 12 years and was in need of a change. I always loved the car business and started selling cars at the dealership where I’d bought all of my cars.
I have been training on JVTN® since I was hired, and by having access to your training 24/7, I can train when it’s the best time for me. One of the key things I learned was understanding the difference between a concern and an objection and how to handle them both, and of course, how to easily stay off price. I treat people like I would like to be treated, I follow your 8 Steps to the sale and they like me, listen to me, and they buy!
I started on the 10th and sold 14 my first month. I was top salesperson my third month with 22 units, and now my current average is 18!
Thanks Joe, for a much needed change in direction for my life and the ongoing training and plan to keep me headed in the right direction!”
-Scott Means, Salesperson, Harry Green Chevrolet Nissan, Clarksburg, WV
Sell more cars with Joe Verde’s book “Earn Over $100,000 Selling Cars – Every Year.” Go to JoeVerde.com to get a free PDF or order a free soft cover book.