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Increased by 300%

“We increased our net profit 300% from your training.”

“We made a commitment to improving and since coming on board with The Joe Verde Group we have continually improved and moved the needle (charts) northeast (up).

We sent all of the managers to your Team Leadership Workshop and to your Closing Workshop – and we sent several salespeople to your sales workshop.

We also wanted to get better at holding group training at the store and we attended your Train the Trainer Workshop. Wow!

When we got back after the Train the Trainer workshop and began implementing what we learned there and in the other classes our managers attended, we hit a whole next level in training and all of the salespeople have been participating in your online training, JVTN® since day 1.

We train 3x per week doing group training just as you recommend to maximize our return on our investment and Joe, the results have been incredible. 

  • 2017: we sold 619.
  • 2018: we sold 856 (a 40% increase)
  • 2019: the first 2 months we’re up 50% over 2018.
  • Our grosses are going up
  • Our net profit is up 300%
  • The deals are way easier to close
  • Our customers love us
  • And our sales team works together now and loves coming to work to work.

Joe, you have changed the culture of the store and the lives of everyone who works here.

There is only one way to achieve the success that we have achieved; the Joe Verde way. Thanks Joe!”

Tim Uhl, GM/Dealer, Queen City Motors, Cumberland, MD