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JVSMT Trainer, Sean Gardner, To Speak At MTADA Convention

Joe Verde Sales & Management Training, Inc.,(JVSMT) today announced that their senior trainer, Sean Gardner, has been selected to present a workshop, “Finish This Year With A Bang!,” at the Montana ADA Convention, Saturday, August 26, at 9:15 am.

Commenting on his workshop, Gardner stated, “Dealers spend millions of dollars every year to drive traffic into their dealership. To turn those leads into more customers in the showroom you need a clear, effective process, and your sales team needs the skills to make it happen. Attend this workshop and let’s solve those challenges and increase sales.”

Sean Gardner joined Joe Verde Sales & Management Training, Inc. (JVSMT) in 1997. As a senior trainer for Joe Verde, he teaches leadership & management classes for dealers and managers, along with workshops on sales, closing, negotiating, plus advanced sales & management in-house programs.

Gardner has spoken at several NADA Annual Conventions, the RVDA Annual Convention, and numerous other industry events throughout North America. He began his career in the automobile business in 1986 as a salesperson, then F&I and Sales Manager. He was promoted to General Manager for a high-volume dealership where he led his team to increased sales, gross and improved CSI.

Gardner is frequently featured on JVSMT’s online training platform, the Joe Verde Training Network® (JVTN®), which is widely recognized as the #1 in-house virtual training resource in the car business. Since 2005, over 21 million online chapters have been taken by salespeople and managers who get immediate results by developing the critical skills it covers. Best-selling books by Joe Verde, the company president, include: Top 7 Revenue & Profit Sources In Your Dealership, Dealer’s Guide To Recovery And Growth, How To Sell A Car Today, Earn Over $100,000 Selling Cars Every Year, and Get Everything You Want In Sales – Goal Setting For Salespeople.

Joe Verde Sales & Management Training, Inc., with its 40 employees, is dedicated to developing leaders by teaching them how to build great selling organizations that sell more units, earn more net profit, satisfy every customer and retain those customers for life in every department of the dealership.

JVSMT trainers are in constant demand to speak around the world to automotive groups. With a verifiable track record of success every year since 1985, and with over 50 percent of the top 500 dealers in America along with most of the Top 100 Internet Dealers as clients, the Joe Verde focus is on “Leadership First,” with an exclusive formula for success taught only in Joe Verde leadership workshops.

“We’re going to help you end this year with a bang! Make this your best year ever by attending this workshop and learning some things you can do immediately to increase your net profit,” said Gardner. “What are we going to cover? 6 different effective ways that you can sell more cars without spending more money on advertising. We are going to give you some things to work on to help your team develop their foundational core skills to be more effective with the traffic you already have. So, if you’re ready to sell more cars, have more fun, make more money and get your dealership to the next level, I’ll see you at the Montana ADA convention,” Gardner added.

To learn about Joe Verde workshops and training products, or to request a free copy of Joe Verde books, visit:, or call (800) 445-6217.

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