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Making $100,000+ With Joe

From 5-6 a month to $100,000 a year after your books and your 3 Sales Workshops


“Joe – we haven’t met, but you’ve had a profound effect on my life and my career.

I started off as a ‘great average salesperson’ selling 5-6 cars a month, but after going to all your Sales Workshops and reading your books, I’m now making over $100,000 a year!

I close 17-20 units every month, and I’ve become a gross holding, upwardly professional salesperson.

Knowledge is power, and I learned so much in your class. When I get objections, I acknowledge them and then Clarify, Rephrase, Isolate and Close (CRIC) and just keep going. It’s so easy now – I go to work to work, plan my day, set goals and I’m making it all happen.

Thank you Joe, and all of your staff for helping me gain the skills and confidence I needed in sales!”

-Kevin Shannon, Internet Sales Manager, CA


Sell more cars with Joe Verde’s sales book, “Earn Over $100,000 Selling Cars – Every Year” for a free PDF or to order a free soft cover book.