No ‘Be-Backs’?
For my first five years selling cars, my manager kept saying ‘there’s no such thing as a be-back’ … so logically, I didn’t follow up. Why bother, he said, they aren’t coming back anyway!
We were ‘dumb’ and ‘dumber’ because we both believed it. So I spent five years without ever doing any follow up to get an unsold prospect back on the lot or trying to get a sold customer to come back in for their next purchase.
None of us did any kind of follow up, which technically made my manager correct because we really didn’t get many be-backs. There weren’t any because when nobody does follow up, most people don’t bother to come back.
Be smarter than we were…
On an average day, you talk to about 4 people on the lot – or about 100 per month (4 per day x 25 working days). Some don’t buy – in fact, 22% will not be buying a vehicle soon. The flip side of that stat is that 78% will be buying, and 90% of them buy within a week.
The catch: You can’t guess which ones aren’t buying.
So be smart and play the odds. Treat everyone like a buyer, give everyone a great presentation, do your best to close the sale, and then get everyone’s name & # who doesn’t buy, and follow up until they move, or finally take delivery.
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Get Joe Verde’s sales book, Get Everything You Want In Sales, now and put your career on the right track. Find out more about Joe Verde’s workshops and how to sell more cars, have more fun and make more money — now!