How you’ve been selling cars will need an
as ‘back to normal’ is kicking in again.
Why start now?
Because the ‘back to normal’ changes started months ago.
So if you haven’t put on your realistic glasses instead of the rose colored ‘I’m not concerned, everything will work out’ glasses, then fasten your seatbelt.
Short summary…
During COVID, and the disruption it created in just about everything about our business – how we sold changed overnight.
No inventory meant, “It’s the only one we have so you better get it now. And by the way, it’s $5K more than the sticker says.”
Bigger ‘no discount’ gross meant way BIGGER commissions.
Shorter hours instead of ‘stay as late as it takes’ was the norm. That will change too as competition heats up.
Short staff meant little or no training, but you haven’t needed much because it was about availability & gross was assured.
What should you do to prepare?
Start here: Look at the # of chapters taken on JVTN® below. That # is up almost 12 million just since COVID and all the other issues that started in 2020.
Those people are learning to sell.
Join them and start learning more to prepare, or don’t – just know the closer we get back to ‘normal’, inventories will build & price shopping will be back.
If you aren’t on JVTN® and don’t attend classes, slow down & think about each topic I cover. Create your ‘training’ binder. Write out my scripts, the steps to sell, close or handle leads, etc … and start practicing to duplicate & master it.
If your dealer is a JVTN® subscriber, send us your personal email or phone & we’ll send the online version to your inbox every month.
Sell more cars with Joe Verde’s sales book, “Earn Over $100,000 Selling Cars – Every Year” for a free PDF or to order a soft cover book.