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The $100K+ Club…

I made $109K my next year after Joe’s class.

“My ongoing training with Joe began in 2013, when I returned from his 2 day Sales Workshop. Since then I’ve also implemented JVTN® as part of my daily routine and take 4 plus chapters a week.

The Workshop taught me three valuable skills; • Building Rapport, • Staying off Price and • Focusing on Hot Buttons to Build Value.  Before class, I averaged 12-15 a month and my commission was about $280 per unit.  After class, my commission jumped to $520 per unit and now I sell 18 plus a month. The first year after class, I doubled my income to $109K.

My goal is to always service the customer by building value in the dealership, the product and myself.  I have gotten top Customer Reviews and my motto is ‘Whether you buy or not, we will always part as friends’.

I have been selling for 22 years, love my career and appreciate all that Joe has done to make sales a professional and lucrative career.”

–Eric “Big Cat” Johnson, Salesperson, OH