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Time makes the Biggest Difference between Making or Losing the Sale…

From Sean Gardner…

Being time effective is one of the biggest differences between making or losing a sale and in creating your own customer base for the future.

Losing a sale only takes minutes, plus too many salespeople assume the customer didn’t come to buy.

Remember – your customers don’t know you and are cautious about spending $70K with a stranger in less than a couple hours.

Making an easy sale with a big commission takes 60-90 minutes outside, and another 10 or 15 wrapping it up, before they head to F&I.

Joe’s selling process is by far the most efficient, and most effective sales process in this business.

Doug Christansen and I are trainers at the Joe Verde Group. We were both good salespeople before we came to work with Joe. But his skills and processes are so specific, clear & concise, and so effective, before we were allowed to even hold part of a class, it took us 6 months to practice, drill and rehearse for each class we hold now.

Whether it’s Joe’s info in this short newsletter, his books, JVTN® or our workshops – slow down, listen to understand, and then get to work on practicing exactly what he says.

Words matter and change feels awkward, but stick with it until you develop and master his skills and processes, because we’ve developed more high achievers in this business than anyone.

Just follow Joe’s directions and you’ll reach levels in sales you never thought possible.