Top Salesperson with 21 units!
“I was the top salesperson this month with 21 units!”
“I had been selling cars for one year, and before attending your 2-day workshop, I was a solid 13 car guy.
In my first month after your workshop, I sold 19, 17 the next month, and then I had my best month at 21, and was Salesperson of the Month!!!
After the sales workshop, I really worked on asking the right questions to avoid getting bogged down talking about price before we even find a car, and on the ‘either / or’ questions, to keep the sale moving. They definitely help me when I’m on the phone, too.
All the training has given me the confidence, enthusiasm, inspiration and the ‘how to’ to pull off 20 to 25 sales every month. My next goal is to work on building my own business within the store by prospecting for more customers, instead of just hoping I have someone to talk to.
Thank you, Joe, for giving me the tools to decide my own success in car sales.”
-Ethan Bartha, Salesperson, Honda, BC