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Went From 14.5 To 20.5 Units

From 14.5 to 20.5 by going to ‘work to work’ and following your 8 steps.


“Joe, I have been in the car business just over one year and was averaging 14.5 before you class, which wasn’t bad, but I wanted more.

In your Selling Skills Workshop, I realized I wasn’t working very effectively, so I created a daily plan after class to get more done and to contact my previous customers every day.

Now I also understand how important your 8-Step Basics are, and they make so much sense. When I follow them, I have more control and my presentations are so much more focused with zero distractions when I make them off the lot as part of my demo.

Since your class, I had my best month ever at 23 units and my new 90-day current average is 20.5 units per month.

Thanks to you and your class for opening my eyes to the true potential in the car business, and for providing an easy to follow plan to get it!”

Thomas Owen, Salesperson, Tennessee