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Went From 9 To 24!

“From 9 units a month to 24 the month I attended your class.” 

“I‘ve been in the car business 7 months, my first couple of months I was averaging about 9 units, then I attended Joe’s Closing Workshop. After learning your easy to follow the 8 steps to the sale, and really understanding and believing these steps would truly work, my confidence with my customers was off the charts.

I sold 24 cars the month I went to your workshop, AMAZING!!!  I had the magic touch by following all of your steps which made it pretty easy to succeed. I have a much better understanding of the importance of bypassing price and in handling objections when they come up – so my gross per unit has gone up as well.

Thanks Joe, for creating a process that anyone can follow and begin to master that leads to such great rewards!”

– Chris Miner, Sales Consultant, Prince Edward Island, Canada