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Went from 7 units to 18 a month!

I went from 7 units to 18 a month!

“Joe, I have been in automotive sales for the past 10 months. The first 3 months I was figuring things out on my own. The 4th month I attended your Sales Workshop and BAM!  What was a great job, became a great career. I was averaging about 7 units and making about $2,000 in pay each month.

After attending your workshop I learned about your New Basics and how easy the 8 steps are to follow. I’ve learned the importance of questioning my way to the sale rather than telling my way. I learned how the 8 steps come together to form a perfect path to a deal! I learned that you have to ask for the sale at least 5x, and how to bypass tough price questions and handle objections when they come up and overcome them. Most importantly I learned that if you want to become a professional, you have to practice, drill, rehearse and be committed to becoming the best you can be. I am currently averaging 18 units and making over $8,000 per month! I have been salesperson of the month for the past 6 months straight. I show up every day and Go To Work To Work, as you say. I couldn’t love my job more!  Joe, thanks to you, it truly is the best job on the planet!”

-Skyler Williams, Salesperson, White’s Frontier Motors, Gillette, WY

Find out more about Joe Verde’s workshops and how to sell more cars, have more fun and make more money — now!