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What’s Your Most Critical Selling Tool?

The telephone is the single most important tool you have in sales to help you sell more today and in the future.

Sell Today … Use it correctly on incoming sales calls and unsold follow up to put more people on the lot today – asking for you.

Sell Tomorrow … Use the phone today to prospect for new business, and to retain your customers and you’ll always have someone on the lot asking for you tomorrow.

Want proof the phone works?

Just look around. The 20-30 car guys in your dealership have a phone in their hand just about anytime they aren’t with a customer or getting a vehicle ready for delivery.

Look at any below average salesperson (less than 10) and the only phone they’re on is their cell phones. And no, they aren’t prospecting, they’re usually calling home to talk about how slow it is or to ask how little Bobbie or Betty did at soccer practice. And of course, they’re calling their buddies in the huddle club around town to talk about how tough it is to sell something.

It’s actually funny to watch; the low achievers explain to anyone by phone or in person who’ll listen why they can’t sell more, while the high achiever in the office next to them, is using the phone to sell their 30 units a month.


Sell more cars with Joe Verde’s sales book, “Earn Over $100,000 Selling Cars – Every Year” for a free PDF or to order a free soft cover book.