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Will You Pass The ‘Sales’ Test?

We take tests all of our lives; to graduate from school, to get our driver’s license, etc. Now in sales, your skills are tested with every prospect you talk to whether it’s an Internet lead, an incoming sales call or a prospect on the lot. Your test scores for each of those contacts are what will completely control your income.

Because getting our driver’s license was so important to us, we studied so we could pass the test. You did the same to graduate from school or to achieve any kind of certification.

So if you’d take the time to study for a test in school or to get your license, why wouldn’t you prepare yourself for the selling test you’ll have with every prospect on the lot today?

You’ll also be tested on your phone and e-mail handling skills. Between your incoming Internet and sales phone calls plus those outgoing follow up calls (to sold and unsold prospects) and your prospecting calls for new business you should be making to generate traffic, your skills on each contact will determine your outcome.

The market and our prospects aren’t flunking the test – it’s our skills as a group that aren’t even close to passing.

When rated accurately, the average salesperson only scores themselves 15-20% of a possible 100% in the overall selling process.

Selling more is just a math problem…

To sell a vehicle, you’ll need to hit 90% or so on your selling skills exam with each prospect. Statistically, we’re hitting about 20%.That doesn’t take a calculator, much less a rocket scientist, to see why dealerships, salespeople and manufacturers are all having such a tough time right now.

Get your education and earn more money!

Sell more cars with Joe Verde’s latest book, “Earn Over $100,000 Selling Cars – Every Year.” Go to to get a free PDF or order a free soft cover book.