“From $45,000 to $80,000 to $100,000!”

“I started selling cars 3 years ago in the middle of the pandemic, at a great dealership that believed in the value of great training – and if it wasn’t for your training, I would not have made it. From Day 1, I have trained daily on JVTN® learning your 8 Step Sales Process To …

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Appreciate What You Have…

Before It Becomes What You Had! Isn’t it fun taking the negotiations out of the process? When you have the only vehicle in town they want, selling is so much easier. I’m hearing about BIG commissions. In class, we just heard about a $50,000+ month a Toyota salesperson had. That’s more money than I made …

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“What are the tricks to selling more?”

Lots of people say they’re just shopping, and in real life, that’s true. But based on buyer facts, they’re shopping all right, but not just for a car. 71% said they’re shopping mostly for a salesperson they feel comfortable with, just like you and I do, when we buy expensive things. Have you ever gone …

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It’s 90 + 6 … Not 20 + 1

“Things are different now Joe. We either have what they want or we don’t & they can either afford it or they can’t. What difference does ‘selling’ make?” Wouldn’t it be great if ‘different’ means we actually could prequalify people real quick, take shortcuts and still sell more! Too many salespeople hold their breath, hope …

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Sean Gardner Talks Closing On CBT News

Joe Verde trainer, Sean Gardner, was featured on the morning broadcast for CBT News to explain how to give customers a world-class experience when they buy a vehicle, virtually or in person. The extensive interview talks about the top three ways to simplify closing, and selling how customers want to buy, including: Avoid pre-qualifying the …

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Snapshot Of Today’s Buyer

So with COVID, fires & hurricanes, let’s check to make sure these are still accurate… Are these buyer stats accurate today? ○ 99% want to drive it. Yep, just like you and me, we don’t buy TVs without seeing the picture first or cars without driving them. ○ 90%+ did their research online. Me, too. …

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Clear Goals = Fast Recovery

To get through this ‘stuff’ the most critical activity now is to have clear goals and plans to get you back on top. A positive statement: “I’m going to get through this” isn’t a goal, just a statement with nothing to back it up. Unrealistic goals like, “I’m going to work hard and make 10 …

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“I sold 45+ cars in April (2020)”

Congratulations Seamus! “I wanted to touch base and let you know after one year of working in the industry, and from going to the Joe Verde sales workshop, I have had another record breaking month! With the proper mindset and just focusing on work and not the world around me falling apart, in April I …

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Working “Bell to Bell”

Trade “Bell to Bell” For Better Selling Skills “I’m selling 30 units a month and on track for $100K.” “I attended your How To Sell Cars workshop and WOW, what a difference it’s made for me and my family! I’ve been selling cars for just under a year, and before your class I was selling …

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What Works Best for a Walkaround…?

Ask Joe: Why should a 6-Point Walkaround be a ‘Targeted’ 2 or 3-Point Walkaround instead? I was a judge at a walkaround contest held by the manufacturer. The best product sales experts from every region were there. They came on stage with the vehicles they’d present and the crowds roared (OK, no roar, but they …

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How to get from the 8 Car Rut to 20…

As the 8 car guy my first 5 years, I would have immediately laughed this off and started explaining why you can’t. My response would have included the same things we hear from salespeople today who were never trained, or worse, were trained on the same sales prevention skills and techniques I learned my first …

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What A Difference…

Here are a few comments we just got about salespeople’s improvements after our sales class. What a difference… Ford salesperson – Started selling in Dec. 2017 and averaged 8 before class in June 2018. He ended at 16 in June, 17 in July and 13 out by mid-August. His down payment average went from $1,000 …

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Peer Pressure Kills Sales & Careers

It doesn’t take much more than a ‘duh’ degree to know that if you don’t do what it takes to succeed – you won’t. But so many people reading this who want to improve and know they can, don’t. Most don’t even try, because they’re afraid of the ‘resistance fighters’ or of what some of …

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Made More In Car Sales Than 1 Year At Previous Job

“I’ve already made more than my entire year at Verizon.”  “Before getting into car sales I worked at a Verizon store. Wow, what a difference. I started last May and in June went to the Sales Workshop and Doug Christiansen was the teacher and I train on JVTN® – and I was hooked on ‘selling’. …

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Buying Is Emotional – Negotiation Is Logical

That’s why you can’t talk price until you’ve sold the vehicle. As soon as the conversation moves to money, they go from excitement to logic. Closing and the negotiation itself are logic-based by default. But the smart salesperson will also keep the emotions flowing throughout both of those processes. When you do, you’ll close more …

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Sold 75 Units in 3 Months

“Joe, after your Sales Workshop…I sold 75 units in the last 3 months, which is 39 more than I averaged in the 3 months before going to class!” -Jordan Edmond, Salesperson, Charlotte, NC ##### Get Joe Verde’s sales book, Get Everything You Want In Sales, now and put your career on the right track – …

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Went From 14.5 To 20.5 Units

From 14.5 to 20.5 by going to ‘work to work’ and following your 8 steps.   “Joe, I have been in the car business just over one year and was averaging 14.5 before you class, which wasn’t bad, but I wanted more. In your Selling Skills Workshop, I realized I wasn’t working very effectively, so …

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Doubled My Units, Tripled My Income

“After your workshop, I doubled my units and almost tripled my income.” “Before your Sales Class, I was pretty much just figuring out how to do this on my own and was averaging 10 a month and about $4,000 in commission. At the workshop I learned your New Basics sales process and knew I could follow those …

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